Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine – Gail Honeyman – “I simply didn’t know how to make things better. I could not solve the puzzle of me.”

Gail Honeyman crafted this novel with a blend of malice, love, and empathy. Beautifully written, the author hints at a hidden secret in Eleanor’s life, gradually revealing that she is, in fact, not completely fine. Honeyman envelops us in Eleanor’s quirkiness, eccentricities, and sharp judgments of others, making the readers curious about the reasons behind her behavior while fostering sympathy for her ventures.

The novel is divided into two parts, with the second part reaching the climax of tension and leading Eleanor to her lowest point. The moment when Eleanor believes all is lost, a glimmer of hope begins to shine—not from the bottom of a bottle, but from genuine and unforeseen human connection and personal growth.

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Gail Honeyman’s “Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine” might not have been written with the explicit intention of making readers ugly cry, but the emotional impact will hit you with brutality. Humor cannot shield you from the struggle and path to recovery that Eleanor undergoes. As she begins to discover the world and herself, she is forced to face buried traumas that emerged in her sharp judgments toward others and herself. Honeyman weaves together important themes like solitude, isolation, mental health, and empathy. What might initially be dismissed as mere hilarity by some celebrities, the novel reveals deep insights into the human condition, making the novel a powerful book to recommend.

If someone asks you how you are, you are meant to say FINE. You are not meant to say that you cried yourself to sleep last night because you hadn’t spoken to another person for two consecutive days. FINE is what you say.

Through the novel, Honeyman juxtapose how the complex relationship between emotional tragedy, rigid routines, and self-destructive habits, intensifies the struggle of individuals, like Eleanor, to maneuver their lives, the world, and others while carrying the heavy weight of their past. Understanding Eleanor’s upbringing and keeping these themes and struggles in mind, the readers comprehend how emotional and psychological wounds influence human behavior and psyche. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine depicts how our past can be the source of unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as alcoholism and substance abuse. Experiencing Eleanor’s journey towards improvement and exploration of her mind, the reader, can learn from her resilience toward surviving and the strength needed to face trauma and, more importantly, initiate the healing process.

Contrary to common perception or celebrity marketing, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is far from “hilarious”. However, the novel is tender, raw, and brutal with the perfect touch of quirkiness that releases the tension of such a difficult story making it worth recommending

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